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Table 1 Candidate molecules of exercise mimetics for the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders

From: Can exercise benefits be harnessed with drugs? A new way to combat neurodegenerative diseases by boosting neurogenesis

Type of exercise mimetics



Beneficial effects

Therapeutic implications

Key studies



Recombinant irisin

(1) Attenuate glial activation by binding αVβ5 integrin receptor; improve spatial learning and memory

(2) Decrease tau phosphorylation, α-synuclein, and inflammatory cytokine levels

(3) Rescue synaptic plasticity and improve impairment in NOR and fear conditioning memory

Anti-neuroinflammation, neuronal protection and memory promotion for AD and PD

[181, 190,191,192]



(1) Improve cognitive function

(2) Reduce the risk of dementia

AD prevention and cognitive promotion for AD and PD

[337,338,339, 354]



(1) Increase IDE and reduce Aβ or α-synuclein deposition; enhance spatial learning and cognitive performance

(2) Inhibit neuroinflammation and promote neurite growth

Neuroinflammation inhibition, neuronal protection and cognitive improvement for AD and PD

[330,331,332, 355, 356]



(1) Increase AHN and cognition

(2) Reduce neuroinflammation

Brain health and cognitive promotion for AD

[347, 348]

Neurotrophic factor


Recombinant BDNF,

Recombinant BDNF + ADTC5,


(1) Up-regulate α-secretase, ameliorate Aβ levels and increase sAPPα levels

(2) Reduce α-synuclein level

(3) Increase phosphorylation of TrkB and restore synaptic plasticity and memory function

(4) Increase AHN and memory performance

(5) Increase NG2 glial cells and EGR1 and ARC gene expression; enhance cognitive performance and NOR assessments

Neuronal protection and cognitive improvement for AD, PD, and HD

[36, 155, 167, 357,358,359]

Noncoding RNAs


miRNA-132, miRNA-146, miRNA-155, miRNA-7, miRNA-21, miRNA-339, miRNA-29, miRNA-129–1-3p, miRNA-144-5p, miRNA-708-5p, miRNA-135a, miRNA-21, miRNA-34a

(1) Rescue AHN and memory impairment

(2) Alleviate the accumulation of α-synuclein or Aβ and Tau hyperphosphorylation; restore AHN and cognitive function

(3) Ameliorate neuroinflammation

(4) Ameliorate the activation of microglial cells and neurodegeneration

Anti-neuroinflammation; brain and memory improvement for AD, PD and HD

[147, 272, 276, 277, 284, 286, 300, 306, 360,361,362,363,364,365,366]

Methyl donor



(1) Ameliorate AD pathology and improve cognitive function

(2) Restore normal gene expression, reduce presenilin1 expression, and decrease Aβ levels。

(3) Increase secretases and ApoE expression

(4) Increase GSH and decrease ROS and toxic xenobiotics

(5) Prevent neuronal loss, elevate BDNF levels, and inhibit neuroinflammation

Brain health and memory promotion for AD and PD

[250,251,252,253, 255, 257, 367]

Metabolism mediators

Apolipoprotein J


(1) Inhibit neuroinflammation, promote AHN, and improve contextual learning and memory function

(2) Increase excitatory neurotransmission, reverse synaptic damage and alleviate AD pathology

(3) Reduce cell apoptosis and increase neuronal differentiation

Hippocampal neurogenesis and memory improvement for AD

[34, 315, 368]



Increase AHN, BDNF level, and memory function

Brain and memory promotion for AD


Other candidates

Gut microbiome


(1) Increase gut health and preserve microbiota community


(2) Enrich SCFAs, Firmicutes phylum

(3) Decrease gut inflammation and improve cognition

Gut-brain health and cognitive improvement for AD, PD and HD

[224, 227, 369,370,371,372,373,374,375]



Promote AHN and cognition

Brain health and memory promotion




5-HT3 receptor, SERT

Increase neuronal proliferation and outgrowth

Brain health promotion

[324, 379,380,381]

  1. BDNF Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor, Aβ Amyloid Beta, sAPPα Soluble Amyloid Precursor Protein Alpha, TrkB Tropomyosin Receptor Kinase B, AHN Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis, EGR1 Early Growth Response Protein 1, ARC Activity-Regulated Cytoskeleton-associated Protein, NOR novel object recognition, ADTC5 Alzheimer's Disease Transmembrane Conductance Regulator 5, DHF Dihydrofolate, AD Alzheimer's Disease, PD Parkinson’s diseases, HD Huntington’s disease, AMPK AMP-Activated Protein Kinase, AICAR 5-Aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide Ribonucleotide, PPARδ Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor Delta, IDE Insulin-Degrading Enzyme, miRNA MicroRNA, SAM S-Adenosyl Methionine, GSH Glutathione, ROS Reactive Oxygen Species, GPI Glycosylphosphatidylinositol, Gpld1 Glycosylphosphatidylinositol-Specific Phospholipase D1, SCFAs Short-Chain Fatty Acids, VEGF Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor, TPH2 Tryptophan Hydroxylase 2, SERT Serotonin Transporter, 5-HT3 5-Hydroxytryptamine Receptor 3