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Fig. 4 | Translational Neurodegeneration

Fig. 4

From: Microstructural integrity of the locus coeruleus and its tracts reflect noradrenergic degeneration in Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease

Fig. 4

Noradrenergic innervation in the ACC, DLPFC, M1 and hippocampus. a PD showed a trend of reduced DBH+ load in the ACC compared to AD (P = 0.061, uncorrected), while no difference was found between AD and controls. b AD showed significantly increased DBH+ load in the DLPFC compared to both PD and control donors (respectively, P = 0.006 and P = 0.007, both FDR-corrected), while no difference was found between PD and controls. c PD showed reduced DBH+ load in the M1 compared to controls (P = 0.03, uncorrected), while no difference was found between AD and PD or between AD and controls. d No group differences in the DBH+ load in the hippocampus was found. Within the PD group, PD cases are labeled with darker blue, whereas PDD cases are labeled with lighter blue. Scale bar, 5 mm for all images. #P < 0.05, uncorrected; **P < 0.01, FDR-corrected

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