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Table 1 Summary of recent studies on AD utilizing single-cell RNA sequencing

From: The interaction between ageing and Alzheimer's disease: insights from the hallmarks of ageing

Study and year



Data accessibility

Main findings

Keren-Shaul et al. 2017 [264]

Illumina NextSeq 500 sequencer

Whole brains of 5xFAD mice and C57/BL6 mice

GEO: GSE98969 (single-cell RNA-seq) and GEO: GSE98970 (iChIP)

A novel microglial type associated with neurodegenerative diseases was described. The markers, spatial localisation and pathways associated with this cell type were identified

Mathys et al. 2017 [265]

Illumina HiSeq 2000 platform

Hippocampus of AD mice and control mice

GEO: GSE103334

Two molecularly distinct phenotypes of reactive microglia were identified, characterized by modules of co-regulated type I and type II interferon response genes, respectively. The study also identified heterogeneity in microglial responses to neurodegeneration, disease stage-specific microglial states, cell reprogramming trajectory of microglial response to neurodegeneration and the underlying transcriptional pathways

Mathys et al. 2019 [259]

10× Genomics platform

Prefrontal cortex of patients with AD and healthy individuals (snRNA-seq PFC)

The study identified different transcriptomic subsets, including those associated with pathology, characterised by regulators of myelination, inflammation and neuronal survival. The strongest disease-related changes occur early in the progression of AD and are highly cell type-specific, whereas in the later stages of AD, different cell types show similar upregulation of genes, mainly those involved in stress responses

Cosacak et al. 2019 [266]

10× Genomics platform

Zebrafish brain

GEO: GSE118577

The study provided extensive data on the molecular basis of NSC plasticity in the brains of adult zebrafish models of AD

Gate et al. 2020 [260]

Illumina HiSeq 4000 platform

Peripheral blood mononuclear cells of 97 healthy individuals, 31 patients with MCI, 28 patients with AD and 8 patients with PD

GEO: GSE134578

The immune-related features of AD included an increase in the number of CD8+ T effector memory CD45RA+ (TEMRA) cells, and the proportion of CD8+ TEMRA cells was negatively associated with cognitive function. In addition, single-cell RNA sequencing showed that T cell receptor signalling was enhanced in these cells. The findings revealed adaptive immune responses in the blood and cerebrospinal fluid of patients with AD and provided evidence that cloned, antigen-experienced T cells patrol the intracranial space of the brain affected by age-related neurodegenerative diseases

Zhong et al. 2020 [267]

Illumina Hiseq-PE150 platform

Hippocampus of APP23 mice

GEO: GSE141044

Comparative transcription analysis revealed various changes in different subtypes of hippocampal neurons in APP23 mice compared with control mice, and validated transcriptional changes in these neurons during disease progression

Xu et al. 2020 [268]

Illumina NovaSeq 6000 platform

Peripheral blood mononuclear cells of amyloid-positive AD patients and amyloid-negative healthy individuals

GEO: GSE181279

Five immune cell subsets were revealed: CD4+ T cells, CD8+ T cells, B cells, natural killer cells and mononuclear macrophages. The characteristic changes in the proportions of these cell subsets and their gene expression patterns in AD were revealed. Protein–protein interaction network and pathway enrichment analyses revealed 31 cell type-specific key genes, including abundant human leukocyte antigen genes and multiple immune-related pathways. The study also revealed high-frequency amplification clones of T and B cells and decreased T cell diversity in AD. As clonal amplification suggests the activation of adaptive immune responses to specific antigens, the finding suggests that peripheral adaptive immune responses, especially those mediated by T cells, may play a role in the pathogenesis of AD

Leng et al. 2020 [269]

10× Genomics platform

Post-mortem brain tissues

GEO: GSE147528

The study identified a subpopulation of reactive astrocytes characterized by reduced expression of genes involved in homeostasis

Walgrave et al. 2021 [261]

10× Genomics platform

Human hippocampal and serum samples

GEO: GSE172402

The study revealed that miR-132 is one of the most consistently down-regulated miRNAs in AD and an effective regulator of adult hippocampal neurogenesis (AHN), and plays a cell-autonomic neurogenic role in adult neural stem cells and their progeny. AHN was shown to be directly affected by AD pathology. miR-132 replacement in the hippocampus of adult AD mice restored AHN and alleviated associated memory deficits

Lee et al. 2021 [270]

Illumina HiSeq4000 platform

Hippocampus of AD mice model

Cohort I (GSE160512), cohort II (GSE181786) and cohort III (GSE153895)

The spatial distribution of two types of oligodendrocytes with distinct transcriptional states was revealed. TREM2-deficient animals exhibited drastically delayed microglial responses to tau and Aβ pathology, whereas non-microglial (oligodendrocytes, astrocytes and T cells) responses remained unaltered

Freitag et al. 2022 [271]

10× Genomics platform

Cerebral hemisphere of APP/PS1 mice

GEO: GSE206202

The study identified a population of microglia characterized by elevated AXL levels and expression of phagocytosis- and cell-migration-related genes. Subsequent proteomic analysis of microglia isolated from APP/PS1 mice validated the anti-inflammatory and cytoskeletal effects of spermidine. Autophagy induced by spermidine altered the TLR3- and TLR4-mediated inflammatory processes, Aβ phagocytosis and motility in primary microglia and astrocytes

Lampinen et al. 2022 [272]

Illumina NovaSeq S1 platform

Olefin mucosa cells extracted from three cognitively healthy individuals (mean age, 71.7 years) and five patients with AD (mean age, 67.2 years)

European Genome-phenome Archive (EGA,, 10 February 2022) under the accession ID EGAS00001006019

Single-cell RNA sequencing revealed altered expression of mitochondrial localization-related genes in olefin mucosa cells in AD. This finding was corroborated by functional assays, which revealed altered mitochondrial respiration and decreased ATP generation

Wood et al. 2022 [273]

Illumina NextSeq 2000 platform

Cerebral hemisphere of APPNL−F/NL−F knockin mice

All data reported in this study will be shared by the corresponding author upon request

The TREM2-dependent genes are all involved in phagocytosis and degradation. The decrease in phagocytosis markers is associated with an increase of tiny plaques in mice with TREM2 mutations. Furthermore, in the presence of R47H mutation that prevents the increase in TREM2 expression, there were still small increases in TREM2 protein and microglial density on plaques. The results indicate that the interaction between microglia and plaques and the activity of TREM2 are both required for microglia to respond appropriately to amyloid-related diseases