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Fig. 6 | Translational Neurodegeneration

Fig. 6

From: Inhibiting tau-induced elevated nSMase2 activity and ceramides is therapeutic in an Alzheimer’s disease mouse model

Fig. 6

PDDC reduces plasma nEVs carrying pThr181-Tau in PS19 mice. a Quantification of L1CAM+ nEVs immunocaptured from the plasma of WT mice, vehicle-treated and PDDC-treated PS19 mice by NTA. N = 15–16. b Averaged size profiles of L1CAM+ nEVs from the plasma of WT mice, vehicle-treated and PDDC-treated PS19 mice. N = 15–16. c pThr181-Tau in lysed L1CAM+ nEVs from WT mice, vehicle-treated and PDDC-treated PS19 mice. N = 11–12. d pThr181-Tau normalized to nEV concentration from WT mice, vehicle-treated and PDDC-treated PS19 mice. N = 11–12. One-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparison. e Dot plots showing the vSSC vs APC-β-III-tubulin signal of BSE+ events gated in Fig. S5 for vehicle (left, blue events) and PDDC (middle, red events). Black line: threshold for APC-β-III-tubulin+ events. Yellow events indicate negative-control EVs labeled with BSE only. Bar graph: average percentage of APC-β-III-tubulin+ events out of total BSE+ events. f Dot plots showing the vSSC vs PE-pTau-Ser262 signal of APC-β-III-tubulin+ events gated in b. Black line: threshold for PE-pTau-Ser262+ signal. Bar graph: average percentage of APC-β-III-tubulin+ events double-positive for PE-pTau-Ser262. g, h Mean percentage of APC-Iba-1+ events out of total BSE+ events (g) or APC-Iba-1+ events double-positive for PE-pTau-Ser262 (h) for each group. e–h Two-way ANOVA. Bars represent mean ± SEM. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001

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