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Fig. 3 | Translational Neurodegeneration

Fig. 3

From: Head-to-head comparison of plasma and PET imaging ATN markers in subjects with cognitive complaints

Fig. 3

Plasma and PET imaging ATN biomarkers in relation to the severity of cognitive impairment in Aβ+ subjects. Average SUVR maps for PET imaging A (left), T (middle), and N (right) biomarkers in relation to different CDR categories (a; upper row). Generalized linear models after adjustment for age and sex were applied to analyze the values of PET (a; lower row) and plasma (b) ATN biomarkers in relation to the severity of cognitive impairment. Unadjusted P values are presented for differences between the three CDR categories, whereas those that remained significant after correcting for multiple comparisons (Bonferroni’s correction) are marked with asterisks (***, Pc < 0.001; **, Pc < 0.01). The thick solid line, the thin solid lines, and the dots denote the median, the 25th and 75th percentiles, and individual values, respectively. CDR Clinical Dementia Rating, PET Positron emission tomography, A/T/N Amyloid/Tau/Neurodegeneration, SUVR Standardized uptake value ratio, MTL Medial temporal lobe, NEO-T Temporal neocortex, metaROI Meta-analytically derived region of interest, p-tau181 tau phosphorylated at threonine 181, t-tau total tau, NfL Neurofilament light chain

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