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Table 1 Changes in the expression of furin and its substrates in neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric diseases and the implications

From: The emerging role of furin in neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric diseases


Patients/animal models

Furin expression

Expression of proteins processed by furin




AD patients

FURIN mRNA (brain) ↓


Furin reduction may be closely related to the mechanisms that lead to Aβ production in AD



Tg2576 mice

Furin mRNA (cortex) ↓


Furin reduction downregulates α-secretase activity of ADAM10 and TACE, thereby enhancing Aβ production



APP-C105 mice

Furin (cortex) ↓

ADAM10 (cortex) ↓

Excess iron induces disruption of furin activity, which in turn reduces α-secretase-dependent APP processing



AD patients

Furin (plasma) ↓


Increased plasma iron concentration in AD downregulates furin level, impairing the ability of α-secretases to produce sAPPα, resulting in increased Aβ



AD patients


BDNF mRNA (hippocampus) ↓;

BDNF (hippocampus) ↓

Deficiency of BDNF may contribute to the progressive atrophy of neurons in AD

[240] [241]


AD patients


BDNF mRNA (cortex) ↓; mBDNF (cortex) ↓; mBDNF/proBDNF (cortex) ↓

Imbalanced proBDNF and mBDNF play a role in synaptic loss and cellular dysfunction, leading to cognitive impairment in AD

[241] [242] [243] [244] [245] [246]


Tg2576 mice


mBDNF (hippocampus) ↓; mBDNF/proBDNF (hippocampus) ↓

Abnormal cleavage of BDNF may be involved in AD-related traits triggered by excessive Aβ pathology



5 × FAD mice


BDNF (hippocampus) ↓

BDNF expression is reduced in 5 × FAD mice at the age of 3 and 7 months, contributing to the impairment of synaptic plasticity and memory

[248] [249]


AD patients


proNGF (cortex) ↑

Decreased processing of proNGF to mNGF may be associated with AD pathology

[94] [250]


AD patients


proNGF (hippocampus) ↑

Alterations in the hippocampal NGF signaling pathway in AD favor proNGF-mediated proapoptotic pathways



AD patients


Notch1 (hippocampus) ↑

Notch1 is increased in AD and Pick’s disease, where abnormal tau aggregates are present, indicating a possible relationship between tau aggregation and Notch1 expression



AD patients


MMP-1 (cortex) ↑

Enhanced MMP-1 activity in AD may contribute to the BBB dysfunction seen in AD



AD patients


BACE1 mRNA (cortex) ↑

BACE1 (cortex) ↑

Increased BACE1 activity is correlated with Aβ level in AD

[253, 254]


AD patients



Increased BACE1 in CSF is a predictor of mild cognitive impairment



 5× FAD mice


MMP-2 (hippocampus) ↑; MMP-9 (hippocampus) ↑;

MMP-14 (hippocampus) ↑

Different MMPs involved in APP/Aβ metabolism are differentially regulated in a spatio-temporal manner in the  5× FAD murine model of AD



AD patients


Sortilin (cortex) ↑

Sortilin functions as a modulator of BACE1 retrograde trafficking and promotes the generation of Aβ



AD patients


Sortilin (hippocampus) ↑;

ProBDNF (hippocampus) ↑;


ProBDNF-p75/sortilin signaling is an important contributor to the pathogenesis of AD, causing an increase of cell death and impairment of neuronal differentiation



AD patients


LRP1 mRNA (cortex) ↑;

LRP1 (brain) ↑

LRP1 expression may be upregulated in glial cells due to the neuroinflammation in AD

[258] [259]


AD patients


LRP1 (cortex) ↓

LRP1 pathway may modulate Aβ deposition and AD susceptibility by regulating the removal of soluble Aβ



APP23 mice


LRP1 (cortex) ↑;

LRP1 (cortical blood vessels) ↓

LRP1 increase in the cortex and decrease in vascular endothelial cells may account for an imbalance of Aβ efflux and influx across the BBB in AD mice



AD patients


BRI2-BRICHOS (hippocampus) ↑; BRI2-APP (hippocampus) ↓

Aberrant processing of BRI2 may promote its deposition and affect its function in halting Aβ aggregation



LRRK2-overexpressing Drosophila

Furin 1 (DA neurons) ↑


LRRK2 enhances furin 1 translation in DA neurons, mediating neurotoxicity in the fly model of PD



Paraquat-treated Drosophila

Furin 1 (DA neurons) ↑


Furin 1 may initiate a cellular program that is central to the process of neurodegeneration



PD patients



Altered BDNF level could be involved in the pathophysiology of PD



PD patients


BDNF (serum) ↓

Lower serum levels of BDNF at early stage may be associated with the pathogenesis of PD

[268] [269]


PD patients


MMP-2 (substantia nigra) ↓

Region-specific alterations of MMPs may contribute to the pathogenesis of PD



6-Hydroxydopamine-treated rats


MMP-3 (substantia nigra) ↑

Activation of MMP-3 processes the secreted α-synuclein in PD



PD patients


MMP-1 (serum) ↓

Significantly lower levels of serum MMP-1 were found in PD patients, particularly in females



PD patients


GPR37 (Lewy bodies in midbrain) ↑

GPR37 may be involved in the formation of Lewy bodies, mediating neurotoxicity in PD



PD patients


GPR37 mRNA (substantia nigra) ↑;

Ecto-GPR37 (CSF) ↑

Ecto-GPR37 in CSF is a potential biomarker for PD



TLE patients

Furin (temporal cortex) ↑


There might be a correlation between furin expression and epilepsy



KA-induced epileptic mice;

PTZ-kindled epileptic mice

Furin (cortex, hippocampus) ↑


Furin may play a role in regulation of inhibitory synaptic transmission in epileptic mice



KA-induced epileptic mice

Furin mRNA (hippocampus) ↑

Ngf mRNA (hippocampus) ↑; Bdnf mRNA (hippocampus) ↑

Furin mRNA upregulation appears to be parallel to that of NGF and BDNF mRNAs following KA treatment



TLE patients


BDNF/NGF/NT-3 mRNA (hippocampus) ↑

There may be associations between increased neurotrophin mRNA levels in granule cells and damage to hippocampal neurons and synaptic plasticity in epilepsy



TLE patients


BDNF (temporal cortex) ↑

The activity-dependent expression of BDNF in human subjects potentially contributes to the pathophysiology of human epilepsy



Pilocarpine-induced status epileptic mice


ProBDNF (hippocampus) ↑

Rapid increases of proBDNF following epilepsy are due in part to reduced cleavage



Rats with limbic seizures induced by electrolytic lesion in DG


Ngf mRNA (hippocampus) ↑;

Ngf mRNA (cortex) ↑

The expression of NGF is affected by unusual physiological activity



KA-induced epileptic rats


Ngf mRNA (forebrain) ↑

Seizure activity stimulates a transient increase of NGF expression by selective populations of forebrain neurons



Pilocarpine-induced status epileptic rats


ProNGF (hippocampus) ↑

High levels of mRNA for both p75 receptors and proNGF are found in the epileptic model rats



TLE patients;

KA-induced epileptic mice


Notch (hippocampus) ↑

The effect of Notch signaling on seizures can be in part attributed to its regulation of excitatory synaptic activity in CA1 pyramidal neurons



Epilepsy patients


MMP-2 (serum) ↓;

MMP-3 (serum) ↓

Serum MMP-2 and MMP-3 are potential biomarkers for epilepsy



TLE patients;


MMP2 mRNA (hippocampus) ↑;

MMP3 mRNA (hippocampus) ↑;

MMP14 mRNA (hippocampus) ↑

Increased MMP expression is a prominent hallmark of the human epileptogenic brain



Intractable epilepsy patients


MMP-9 (cortex) ↑

Increased MMP-9 immunoreactivity was prominently upregulated at synapses in the cortex of intractable epilepsy patients



PTZ-induced kindled epileptic mice


MMP-9 (hippocampus) ↑

MMP-9 is involved in the progression of epilepsy through cleavage of proBDNF to mBDNF in the hippocampus


Cerebral ischemia

Global ischemic rats

Furin mRNA (hippocampus) ↑


Furin may protect hippocampal neurons from ischemic damage


Cerebral ischemia

Rats after MCAO

Furin mRNA (ischemic hemisphere) ↑

Mmp2 mRNA (ischemic hemisphere) ↑;

Mmp14 mRNA (ischemic hemisphere) ↑

Furin activates MMP-14 and in turn enhances MMP-2 activation, contributing to the disruption of BBB in ischemia


Cerebral ischemia

Hypoxic-ischemic rats

Furin mRNA (ipsilateral cortex) ↓;

Furin mRNA (ipsilateral hippocampus) ↑ ↓ ↑

BDNF (ipsilateral cortex, hippocampus) ↓;

Mmp9 mRNA (ipsilateral cortex) ↓

BDNF and its related enzymes such as furin play important roles in the pathogenesis of and recovery from hypoxic-ischemic brain damage


Cerebral ischemia

Rats after MCAO


MMP-2 (ipsilateral cortex, striatum) ↑;

MMP-9 (ipsilateral cortex, striatum) ↑

A specific spatial–temporal pattern of expression and activation of MMP-9 and MMP-2 may contribute to extracellular matrix degradation and BBB breakdown after transient focal cerebral ischemia


Cerebral ischemia

Baboons after MCAO


MMP-2 (basal ganglia) ↑

It is plausible that locally active MMP-2 contributes to early matrix degradation, loss of vascular integrity, neuron injury, and maturation of the ischemic lesion


Cerebral ischemia

Mice after MCAO


MMP-9 (ischemic regions) ↑

MMP-9 may play an active role in early vasogenic edema development after stroke


Cerebral ischemia

Rats after MCAO


LRP1-ICD (ischemic areas) ↑

Furin-mediated cleavage of LRP1 and changes in LRP1-ICD localization are involved in ischemic brain injury



SCZ patients

FURIN mRNA (prefrontal cortex) ↓


Aberrant gene expression elucidates the functional impact of polygenic risk for SCZ



SCZ patients


BDNF mRNA (cortex) ↓;

BDNF (cortex) ↓

Cortical neurons may receive less trophic support in SCZ



SCZ patients


BDNF mRNA (cortex) ↓

Decreased BDNF/TrkB signaling appears to underlie the dysfunction of inhibitory neurons in SCZ



SCZ patients


BDNF (hippocampus) ↓;

NT-3 (cortex) ↓

Alterations in expression of neurotrophic factors could be responsible for neural maldevelopment and disturbed neural plasticity in SCZ



SCZ patients


BDNF (serum) ↓

BDNF may be involved in the pathophysiology of and cognitive impairment in SCZ

[316] [317]


Rats with ibotenic acid lesions in the hippocampus


Bdnf mRNA (cortex) ↓;

Bdnf mRNA (hippocampus) ↓

Alterations in BDNF render animals more susceptible to neurodegenerative insults



Dysbindin-1 mutant mice


BDNF (cortex) ↓;

BDNF (hippocampus) ↓

BDNF reduction leads to inhibitory synaptic deficits



SCZ patients


NGF (serum) ↓;

NT-3 (serum) ↓

SCZ is accompanied by an abnormal neurotrophin profile

[320] [321] [322]


SCZ patients


MMP-9 (serum) ↑

Alterations in plasma MMP-9 are a biomarker for SCZ



SCZ patients


MMP-2 (CSF) ↑

Increased CSF MMP-2 levels in SCZ may be associated with brain inflammation



MDD patients


BDNF (serum) ↓

Low BDNF levels may play a pivotal role in the pathophysiology of MDD

[327] [328]


MDD patients


BDNF (serum) ↓;

mBDNF/proBDNF (serum) ↓

The changes in serum BDNF, TrkB, proBDNF and p75NTR may provide a diagnostic biomarker for MDD



MDD patients


MMP-9 (serum) ↑;

MMP-2 (serum) ↓

MMP-2 and MMP-9 are involved in the pathophysiology of major depression



Mood disorder patients


MMP-2 (serum) ↓

A change in inflammatory homeostasis, as indicated by MMP-2 and MMP-9, could be related to mood disorders



MDD patients


MMP-2 (CSF) ↑;

MMP-7 (CSF) ↑;

MMP-10 (CSF) ↑

Increased MMP-2 levels in CSF are positively correlated with clinical symptomatic scores in MMD



Rats after chronic unpredictable mild stress


Lrp1 mRNA (hippocampus) ↑;

LRP1 (hippocampus) ↑

LRP1 might impair the microtubule dynamics in depressive-like rats and is involved in the development of depression


  1. MCAO: middle cerebral artery occlusion