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Fig. 3 | Translational Neurodegeneration

Fig. 3

From: Targeting γ-secretase triggers the selective enrichment of oligomeric APP-CTFs in brain extracellular vesicles from Alzheimer cell and mouse models

Fig. 3

Mutations in the GXXXG motif in the transmembrane domain of C99 promote the formation of HMW APP-CTFs resembling those induced by D6-treatment. a shows a schematic representation of APP, C83, C99 and C99 dimerization mutant sequences used in this study. Glycines (G) substituted by leucines (L) are indicated in red. b-e HEK293 cells were transfected with empty vector (CT), C99, C83, C99G33L or C99G29L/G33L, and were treated with or without D6. Arrows point to the high molecular weight (HMW) APP-CTF immunoreactivities. Bars in (c-e) correspond to the levels of C99 (c), C83 (d) and HMW APP-CTF (e) immunoreactivities, which in each case were normalized to the levels in vehicle-treated C99 expressing cells. Data represent means ± SEM, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01 as analyzed by 2-way ANOVA followed by Dunetts posthoc analysis

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