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Table 2 Cognitive Tests

From: Cognitive characteristics in Chinese non-demented PD patients based on gender difference

Cognitive domains



Verbal memory

AVLT [45]

A list of 12 items is presented three times, each followed by free recall testing. After an interference test lasting 5 min, free recall of the list for the fourth time (short delayed free recall). After another 20 min, free and cued recall for the fifth time (long delayed free and cued recall), and choose the right items from a total of 24 (recognition). (Max score of recognition = 24, the rest = 12)

Spatial processing ability

Rey-copy [46]

Copy one complex line-drawing figure without reminding later recall. (Max score = 36)

CDT [47]

Draw a clock and mark the time 1:50. (Max score = 30)

Non-verbal memory

Rey-delayed recall [46]

20–25 min after copying, recall the complex line-drawing figure. Identify the color of print in which a color name is written rather than the reading of the name itself. (Max score = 110)


BNT [48]

Name 30 line drawings of common objects shown sequentially, each within 20s. (Max score = 30)

VFT(animals, cities, alternatives) [48]

Name as many animals as possible within 1 min; same for cities and animal-city alternatives.

Attention/executive function


Numbers ranging from 1 to 9, with each digit matched to a different geometrical symbol. Write down the digit according to the symbol as quickly as possible.

TMT [49]

Scan and connect either all numbers (Trail A), or alternating numbers and letters (Trail B), distributed in a spatial array.

Stroop [50]

Identify the color of print in which a color name is written rather than the reading of the name itself. (Max score = 110)

  1. Note. AVLT Auditory verbal learning test, Rey-copy Copy of Rey-Osterrieth complex figure, CDT Clock drawing test, Rey-delayed recall Delayed recall of Rey-Osterrieth complex figure, BNT Boston naming test, VFT Verbal fluency tasks, SDMT Symbol digit modality test, TMT Trail making test, Stroop Stroop color word interference test