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Table 1 Placebo-controlled stem cell applications in rodent animal models of parkinsonism

From: Cell based therapy in Parkinsonism

Striatal 6-OHDA lesioned rats

Authors animals (Sprague–Dawley rats)

Product expanded allogenic ASCs Cyclosporin A

Applic/Observ time


Outcome (* = p < 0.05/** = p < 0.01/*** = p < 0.001)

Bouchez, Sensebe et al. [51]


14/35 days

1. No intervention (n = 6)

• Rotational behavior (turns/min)

2. Intrastriatal saline (n = 7)

1. No-intervention group: 23.8 ± 2.1

3. Intrastriatal 1.8×105 rMSCs (n = 7)

2. Control saline-treated group: 25.1 ± 1.7

Female rats



4. Intrastriatal 1.8×105 riMSCs (n = 7)

3. MSC-treated group: 14.1 ± 3.3*

4. Enriched rMSC-treated group: 10.8 ± 1.7*

• TH-positive neurons:

1. No-intervention group: 24.2 ± 6.7%

4. Enriched riMSC-treated group: 52.5 ± 8.2%*

Wang, Yasuhara et al. [32]


2 hr/28 days

1. Intravenous saline (n = 7)

• Amphetamine-induced rotational behavior

2. Intravenous 107 fibroblasts (n = 6)

1. Control group: 8.5 ± 3.5 turns/min

Female rats


3. Intravenous 107 rMSCs (n = 6)

2. Fibroblast group: 8.2 ± 3.3 turns/min

3. rMSC group: 1.2 ± 0.7 turns/min*

• Cylinder test

1. Control group: 64.7 ± 17.3%

2. Fibroblast group: 60.2 ± 16.1%

3. rMSC group: 29.3 ± 13.7%*

• Preservation of TH+cells: 3* > 2 > 1

Danielyan, Schafer et al. [53]

rMSCs (EGFP labeled)

7,9/110–136 days

Intranasal saline day 7 and 9 (n = 7)

• Stepping ratio (contralateral/ipsilateral) MSC-treated group 2 (0.7)** > group 1 (0.1)

1. Intranasal 5x105 MSC day 7 and 9 (n = 9)

• Amphetamine-induced rotational behavior

MSC-treated group 4* < group 3

Female rats

2. Intranasal saline day 7 and 9 (n = 10)

• Histology

Intranasal 5×105 MSC day 7 and 9 (n = 12).

a. Group 4: 24% of MSCs survived in central nervous system for at least 4.5 months

b. TH+ cell survival: Group 2* > 1 and 4* > 3

c. Inflammatory cytokines Group 2* < 1 and 4* < 3

Blandini, Cova et al. [58]


5/28 days

1. Intrastriatal saline (n = 9)

• Apomorphine-induced rotational behavior

Male rats

2. Intrastriatal 1×105 hMSCs (n = 8)

1. No effect

2. Reduced rotational behavior*

• Expression of GDNF increased in hMSCs group

• Apoptosis decreased in hMSCs treated group

Cova, Armentero et al. [57]


5/28 days

SHAM unilateral lesion

• Dose-dependent neurorescue effects (hMSCs vs saline) in unilateral 6-OHDA lesioned, but not SHAM lesioned, rats with

1.Intrastriatal saline

2. Intrastriatal 3.2×104 hMSCs (n = 6-10)

Male rats

3. Intrastriatal 1.8×105 hMSCs (n = 6-10)

a) Reduction*/** ongoing toxin-induced degeneration of dopaminergic terminals

6-OHDA unilateral lesion

1. Intrastriatal saline

b) Enhanced neurogenesis*/** (neural progenitor cells) in the periventricular zone

2. Intrastriatal 3.2×104 hMSCs (n = 6-10)

3. Intrastriatal 1.8×105 hMSCs (n = 6-10)

c) Persistent release of specific cytokines

Delcroix, Garbayo et al. [37]


14/64 days

1. Intrastriatal saline (n = 6)

• Rotational behavior (turns/min):

2. Intrastriatal 1.5×105 rMSCs (n = 6)

1. saline treated group: 18.5

3. Intrastriatal 1.5×105 riMSCs + P (n = 6)

2. rMSCs-treated group: 17.5

Female rats


4. Intrastriatal 1.5×105 riMSCs + P + NT3 (n = 6)

3. riMSCs + P treated group: 8.5*

4. riMSCs + P + NT3 treated group: 3.0*

riMSCs + P

• Preservation of TH+cells : 4* > 3 > 2 > 1

Levy, Bahat-Stroomza et al. [56] Male rats


35/125 days

1) Intrastriatal saline in 5 (n = 7)

• Rotational behavior (turns/min) (post-lesional 100%)

hiMSCs (neural phenotype)

2) Intrastriat. 5×105 MSC’s (n = 7)

1) saline-treated group: 88%

3) Intrastriat. 5×105 neural iMSC’s (n = 7)

2) hMSCs-treated group: 90%

3) hiMSCs-treated group: 42%*

Sadan, Bahat-Stromza et al. [55]


1 hr/42 days

1) Intrastriatal saline (n = 10)

• D-amphetamine-induced rotational behavior

Male rats


2) Intrastriatal 1.5 or 4.5×105 hMSCs (n = 21)

1. saline group: increase 4.74 ± 1.07 turns/min

2. MSCs group: increase 2.86 ± 0.54 turns/min

3. Intrastriatal 1.5 or 4.5×105 hiMSCs (n = 21)

3. iMSCs group: increase 2.16 ± 0.37* turns/min

• TH-positive area (treated versus untreated site)

2. hMSCs group: treated site > untreated site

3. hiMSCs group: treated site* > untreated site

Zhu, Ma et al. [59] Male rats


35/155 days

1. No intervention (n = 13)

• Rotational behavior:

2. Intranigral(SNc) 5×104 rNSCs (n = 20)

1. Group without intervention: 233.9 ± 70.43

3. Intrastriatal 5×104 rNSCs (n = 5)

2. rNSCs SNc group:189.3 ± 63.24***

3. rNSCs Intrastriatal group: 169.3 ± 47.28*

• TH-positive cells in the SNc: 2 > 1

• EGFP-labeled NSCs identified as TH+cells in 2 and 3

Ramos-Moreno, Castillo et al. [61] Female rats


45/165 days

1. Intrastriatal saline (n = 15)

• D-amphetamine-induced rotational behavior:



2. Intrastriatal 3×105 hNSCs (n = 17)

1. Control group: 18 turns/min

(expressing Bcl-XL)


3. Intrastriatal 3×105 hiNSCs Bcl-XL expression (n = 21)

2. hNSCs-treated group:17 turns/min

3. hiNSCs-treated group: 3 turns/min***

• Apomorphine-induced rotational behavior:

1. Control group: 6.5 turns/min

2. hNSCs-treated group: 2 turns/min**

3. hiNSCs-treated group: 2.5/min**

• Paw mobility test: 3** > 2* > 1

  1. Abbreviations: 6-OHDA 6 hydroxydopamine, ASCs Adult stem cells, MSCs Mesenchymal stem cells, NSCs Neural stem cells, h human r rat, i induced or transduced, EGFP Enhanced Green Fluorescent Protein, BDNF Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor, GDNF Glial cell Derived Neurotrophic Factor, NT-3 Neurotrophine-3, P Pharmacologically active microcarriers, Bcl-X L anti-apoptotic granulocyte-colony stimulating factor enhancing the expression of key genes involved in dopaminergic patterning, differentiation and maturation); SNc Substantia Nigra pars compacta, TH+ Tyrosine Hydroxylase Immunoreactive positive cells.