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Table 1 Summary of studies investigating striatal and total brain volumes in Parkinson’s disease using manual tracing and semi-automated methods

From: Reduced striatal volumes in Parkinson’s disease: a magnetic resonance imaging study


Magnet strength

Slice thickness

N PD/Control

TBV/ICV (effect size)

CN (effect size)

PUT (effect size)


Lisanby. et al., 1993. [6]

1.5 T

5.0 mm



↓ (−1.4)

↓ (−1.8)

↓ Thal

Schulz. et al., 1999. [8]

1.5 T

0.9 mm




Ghaemi. et al., 2002. [4]

1.0 T

2.0 mm



↔ (0.77)

↔ (0.34)


O’Neill. et al., 2002. [7]

1.5 T

1.4 mm


↔ (0.41)

↓ (−0.89)

↓ GP

Almeida. et al., 2003. [2]

1.5 T

1.6 mm


↔ (0.003)

↔ (−0.02)



Krabbe. et al., 2005. [5]

1.5 T

1.7 mm


↑ (0.47/0.75)

↔ (−0.08)

↓ (−0.99)

↓ SN

Geng. et al., 2006. [3]

3.0 T

2.0 mm


↔ (−0.38)

↔ (−0.57)

↓ (−1.5)

↔ SN ↓ GP

Current study

3.0 T

1.0 mm


↔ (−0.13)

↓ (−0.80)

↓ (−0.52)

  1. Direction of difference: ↑ significant increase in volume, ↔ no significant change in volume, ↓ significant decrease in volume in PD compared to healthy controls. - Structure not investigated. Standardized effect sizes (in parentheses) were calculated where sufficient information was available. Negative values indicate PD volumes smaller than controls.
  2. TBV total brain volume, ICV intracranial volume, CN caudate nucleus, PUT putamen, Thal thalamus, GP globus pallidus, SN substantia nigra pars compacta.
  3. Geng et al.[3] decrease in GP between late PD (n = 8) and controls only. Krabbe et al.[5] ICV effect sizes represent the supratentorial and infratentorial (supra/infra in table) volumes which were measured separately.