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Fig. 2 | Translational Neurodegeneration

Fig. 2

From: Disruption of orbitofrontal-hypothalamic projections in a murine ALS model and in human patients

Fig. 2

Altered cortico-hypothalamic projection pattern in mSOD1 mice at P95. a Left: Representative injection sites in LHA for WT and mSOD1 mice. White outlines represent LHA boundaries. Middle and right: Representative frontal brain sections of WT and mSOD1 mice depicting projections from ORBl/vl + AI (significantly increased, arrow), PL + ORBm, ILA, ACA, MOs and MOp to LHA. b Volumetric comparison of seven representative areas of the hypothalamus (HY) in WT and mSOD1 mice. Significant atrophy of the LHA (P < 0.000 1) was detected. c Sum of neurons projecting from the selected 28 areas. No difference was detected in the number of neurons projecting to the LHA between WT and mSOD1 from the ipsilateral hemisphere (n = 3). d Number of neurons (normalized for total neuronal counts, 50 k) projecting to the LHA from the 28 brain areas in WT and mSOD1. A significant increase in projections from ORBl/vl + AI (P = 0.001 2) and from MOs (P = 0.000 6) was detected. e Representative WholeBrain reconstructions of neurons projecting to the LHA in WT and mSOD1 mice in a brain-wise manner. Projections from MOs (blue) and ORBl/vl + AI (yellow) were increased (arrows indicate the MOs, highlighted in blue, and the ORBl/vl + AI highlighted in yellow). Bars represent mean ± SD. Scale bars, 1 mm. **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001

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